Dave Mahoney Golf

Category Archive: General

  1. Breathe To Win!

    Do you tend to lose your focus during a round of golf?  Do you have difficulty staying present after you have just made a mistake?  Are you missing out on that rhythm and flow you have in your swing when you are performing at your absolute best?  Chances are, you haven’t been monitoring your breathing.   Try:  During Read More…

  2. It’s Masters Week!

    It’s Masters Week! Can your position at the top of your backswing help you to move away from the dreaded two way miss? You bet!  In this month’s newsletter we revisit Dave’s Video Analysis of Masters Champion Sergio Garcia, and gain insight as to why he is so consistent off the tee.   Click on Read More…

  3. The Road To Perfection

    Dave Mahoney Golf March 2023 Newsletter THE ROAD TO PERFECTION Early in Tiger Woods career, while under the tutelage of Hank Haney, Tiger learned the “The 9 Shot Drill’’ The larger part to being the best ball striker you can be culminates when you are able to successfully hit 9 shots on command. These shots Read More…

  4. Strengthen Your Game With This Performance Psychology Technique

    Strengthen Your Game With This Performance Psychology Technique  For many golfers, the offseason is here. One of the first steps you can take to bettering your golf game in 2023 is to begin setting the tone with a great mindset. One tool you can add to your arsenal is your own “Best Hits List.” This list can Read More…

  5. The Long Term Vs Short Term Approach To Better Golf

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Long Term Vs Short Term Approach To Better Golf  Two Roads To Improvement:  When golfers come for instruction, they are often not aware that there are two roads one can take to improve.  One road is known as the “quick fix” approach, which is also known as a “band-aid” approach. The Read More…

  6. 5 Steps To “Own” Your Swing

    “The greatest thing about tomorrow is, I will be better than I am today” ~ Tiger Woods 5 Steps To “Own” Your Swing 1). Have a plan. Understand exactly what your body needs to do in your swing to achieve your goals as a player.2). Use specific practice swings and drills to rehearse and learn the correct feelings that will lead to Read More…

  7. Online Lessons Now Available!

    Send 2-3 videos from each from the following two positions: -Down The Line -Face On To video from “Down The Line”: Place camera at hand height (Red Box) while parallel to the target line (Green Line).   ——————————————————————- To video from “Face On”: Place the camera perpendicular to your stance line.   Stance line is shown as the red Read More…