Week 6 Newsletter
“One Legged” Chipping Drill
Have you been missing out on having crisp contact when you are chipping lately? A big reason why many golfers struggle with the chip shot is because they tend to fall away from the target in an unconscious effort to help the ball into the air. The result is their weight finishes more on their back leg which moves the bottom of their swing arc behind the ball. Doing so invites either a fat or thin shot, and takes away their ability to compress the ball.
Next time you are practicing, try the “One legged” chipping drill. All you have to do is take your normal setup and simply keep most of your weight on your lead leg while barely having any weight on your back toes. Then practice hitting chip shots without your weight ever leaving your lead leg.
Doing so will help you to feel how your weight distribution should feel throughout a normal chip shot and help to steer you away from poor contact when chipping.