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Week 11 Newsletter


Pre-Round Warm Up Routine

Dustin Johnson

Dustin Johnson Warming Up on Bosu Ball


Problem: Are you that typical golfer that doesn’t do much to warm up before you play a round of golf?  Do you tend to feel stiff and tight when you start?  If so, you are just like many amateur golfers that are missing out on the numerous benefits of a good warm up routine.  Today, most touring professionals show up at the driving range all warmed up and already in a sweat.

Try: Before your next round of golf, begin with a brief cardio warm up.  If you don’t have time to get on a bike at a gym or in a fitness studio, running in place or doing some jumping jacks will do the job.  Follow that with some golf specific exercise.  Then once you are warm, that is the most beneficial time to do your stretching.

Why: Following this routine will help to increase blood flow and body temperature, leaving your muscles more relaxed and elastic.  Not only is this important for optimal ball striking, but it also aids in injury prevention.  Giving yourself at least 5-10 minutes to get warm and loose will give you more range of motion, which will make your swing more powerful and fluid when you hit the first tee.